Vermilion Advantage Logo

Member Services

To Our Members

You, your business and your employees are valued stakeholders in the Vermilion County community. All of us on the Vermilion Advantage team are committed to helping you and your business succeed.

We are working hard every day to build and sustain the economic foundation of Vermilion County. But to effectively make that happen, we need you on our team, sharing your skills, knowledge and experience. In return, we can help you grow your business and build a skilled workforce. 

We are a public-private, non-profit organization under the tax laws of a 501(c) (6). Our revenues are derived from our business members. Less than 20% of those member dollars represent public-sector institutions. 

Member Services We Provide

Magazine Feature Articles & Flyer Insertions

We can place promotional flyers about your business in our monthly Vermilion Advantage magazine called Inside Vermilion County that is mailed to all 500+ members and is included in business prospect recruitment packets. We would also do a profile of your business after your become a new member.

Our magazine is mailed to members and 1,000 copies are distributed around public venues throughout Vermilion County such as medical clinic waiting rooms, the hospital waiting rooms, County Market north, local hotels, VA Illiana Healthcare waiting rooms, etc.

Our luncheons provide you with opportunities for business networking. These luncheons are held the 4th Wednesday of the month. They are held at our offices or at our sponsor locations and we generally have 40-60 in attendance.

Our e-Newsletters go out online to our members weekly, disseminating important information about your business to all of our members.

Each Friday ensure you and your employees keep up on all of the many events occurring over busy weekends right here in Vermilion County.


Membership Surveying Services

Our surveys can help you identify specific information or trends that may be helpful in your business, HR, safety, marketing, environmental practices, etc.; we can survey and turn results around in as little as 48 hours, based on your needs.

Our energy partner (APPI) can help you bid out your electrical usage and seek cost savings under Illinois’ deregulation laws. Roughly 1/3 of our members take advantage of these services!

We meet monthly to share information about laws, new procedures, and how others are dealing with these technical areas of doing business.


Community Marketing Materials, Database Statistics, and/or Website Information

This information can help assist your needs, when you are recruiting new workers and new professionals; we customize these materials based on individual family needs and interests

Our Job Board gives you opportunities to find new employees and to post your hiring needs on one of the most popular job sites in East Central Illinois.

Your postings are automatically forwarded to IDES or DACC or both for you, if you wish, broadening your exposures and reducing your time and efforts.

Offered to all public schools in Vermilion County. Our Manufacturing, Logistics, Healthcare and Technology/Service Workforce Clusters fund career-focused educational programs and career awareness services and activities targeting our youth to keep them engaged in education and to help them focus on their future work opportunities by highlighting career and skill needs right here in Vermilion County.

For over 30 years we’ve offered a unique opportunity for your employees to engage in team-building, leadership skill development and experience an up close and personal look at the history of Vermilion County and how our community functions in areas from agriculture to industry, and from criminal justice to healthcare, education, and beyond. Over 660 graduates are now volunteering and leading our county.


Professional Employee Recruitment Process

Assists local HR professionals as they customize materials and work with new recruits to address their specific needs for relocation consideration, including information packets, a website, a current executive rental option listing, and assistance with new recruits in trailing partner employment.

Contact Dana at 217-442-6201 or at

Why Vermilion Advantage?

Our mission is the retention, expansion and recruitment of business in Vermilion County.

  • The Vermilion Advantage team works every day to create an environment conducive to, and competitive for new business development. Keeping our finger on the pulse of our existing businesses is a key step in that process
  • Through the extensive database we maintain, we have critical information at our fingertips to respond to new Requests for Proposals that come to us frequently from the state, consultants, or directly from prospects.

Commitment to Existing Business

Full-time support for expansion and retention of local businesses and customized support for professional recruitment.

Retail Support

Encouraging businesses and individuals to think and shop locally and fill retail leakage opportunities.

New Business Development

Daily activity and network building to attract new businesses to the area.

First Face

For all of Vermilion County focusing on the overall economic development of the area.

Business Advocate & Catalyst for Change

Keeping Vermilion County current on local, state, & national legislative issues and business concerns. Demonstrated expertise and knowledge base for business development.


Host for regular meetings of councils for area mayors, intergovernmental infrastructure planning, safety managers, human resource directors, CEO's, and many others.

Community & Business Mediator

Full-time support for expansion and retention of local businesses and customized support for professional recruitment.

Data Resource

Recognized information development and dissemination center for area businesses and prospects.

Educational Liaison

Providing leadership in developing and implementing workforce clusters and programs linking business and education.

Ready to Join Vermilion Advantage?

Join a network of over 300 Local Businesses & Entreprenuers

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